An insurance appra
isal is a written document which states the replacement value of an item on the retail market, regardless of where the replacement may be purchased. Most insurance companies will replace an item with "like or kind," making the value an important aspect of the insurance coverage. All purchases from Mohr & Mohr include an insurance appraisal in the selling price.
A verbal appraisal to determine a general value for a bow is the least expensive option if a written document is not required nor recommended. A verbal appraisal fee may be applied to a written appraisal if requested within 30 days.
A Certificate of Authenticity is provided for each Rodney D. Mohr bow. This certificate includes the purchaser's name, type of bow, a full description including visible characteristics, color photographs, model, weight, length, and number. No value is stated in this document. You will also receive a Bow Declaration for your bow stating the origin of its materials for customs purposes when traveling outside the United States. This should prevent confiscation of your valued treasures.
Mohr & Mohr does not provide instrument appraisals, only bow appraisals for Rodney D. Mohr bows. Should you need a qualified appraiser in your area, contact the American Federation of Violin & Bow Makers.
It is recommended that you update your appraisal a minimum of every 3-5 years or more frequently depending on the market. Every bow must be visually inspected prior to providing a written appraisal.
Should you need insurance coverage or just want a price quote, contact Heritage Insurance.